Lawmakers Eye Balloon Ban: ‘It Kills Wildlife’
Intentional balloon releases could be banned across the state, if bipartisan-supported legislation that follows the model of several Maryland counties is adopted during this year’s General Assembly session.
Environmental Bills — on ‘Black Liquor,’ Pollution Tracking and Composting — Move Forward in House
Maryland lawmakers are looking to change the clean-energy classification of a controversial renewable energy source
As House Pushes Through Dozens of Bills, Lawmakers Temporarily Fall Down a Deep Well
“This protects the tenant, but just as significantly, it protects the landlord, in case there are contaminants and the tenant decides to sue,” said Del. Regina T. Boyce (D-Baltimore City), who served as the floor leader for the legislation.
House Election Bills Start Moving in Md. Senate, as Biden Blasts Laws Limiting Voting Access
Lawmakers also mulled a proposal by Del. Regina T. Boyce (D-Baltimore City) that would ban people from holding an elected public office and a political party office at the same time, and from simultaneously running for elected public offices and political party offices, such as membership on a party’s state or local central committee.
Lawmakers Advance Bills to Reform Legislative Vacancy Process
“For decades, the practice of holding both elected offices has been questionable,” Boyce said at a committee hearing earlier this session. “The allowance of holding both positions poses an interesting dynamic and conflicts of interest for the state central committee member role as well as the elected role. The allowance assumes automatic ‘next in line’ policies and politics that distorts the democratic process and the true role of the elected party office.”
Bills Would Require State Agencies to Consider Climate Change in Key Decisions and Operations
“Climate change is here, and I think a lot of the issues that we are having, we are all having together, and the more that we can have somebody help each jurisdiction figure out their specific issue,” the better, Boyce says.
2020 in Review: Lawmakers Get Creative to Bring Supporters Together For Fundraisers During Pandemic
How are they enticing donors and constituents to spend yet another hour ― or two ― at the computer on nights or weekends?
Conversation With Delegate Regina T. Boyce
Speak up, speak clearly! This is the advice with which Delegate Regina Boyce began her talk this Friday, letting the students know that when you meet someone you want to leave a strong impression. Make them know who you are, Delegate Boyce says.
Baltimore delegates give thumbs down to plan to allow state bonds for Laurel, Bowie horse racing development
Baltimore's members of the House of Delegates objected Saturday to a plan that would allow The Stronach Group to use state bonds to pay for upgrades at horse racing facilities in Laurel and Bowie, provided the company made progress on redeveloping Pimlico Race Course.
Hopkins Police Force Measure Advancing
“We are talking about a fearful community, a community who is afraid of what may happen if this institution has a police force versus using the tools in their toolkit that they are known internationally for,” said Del. Regina R. Boyce
Acting UMMS chief: Baltimore Mayor Pugh approached medical system for book deal
“Our fight here is that we want this to stay here,” said Democratic Del. Regina Boyce. She raised concerns that the bill would allow The Stronach Group to “make a pseudo-plan for the Pimlico land and still move to Laurel.”
The full General Assembly has now approved legislation creating a police force for Hopkins
Johns Hopkins University is set to get its controversial police force, following today’s vote of approval in the Maryland House of Delegates for Senate Bill 793.
Baltimore Delegates Vote Down Bill That Would Have Allowed SROs To Carry Guns Inside Schools
In Annapolis, during a Saturday session, the Baltimore City delegation voted down legislation that would have allowed student resource officers to be armed in city schools.
The Baltimore Sun reports that Baltimore's House delegation voted 10-5 against the bill.
"I think the biggest issue is what we're telling people that safety includes arming people with a gun, and that is not safety," Del. Regina T. Boyce told C4 on Monday.
Read Regina's editorial in the Baltimore Sun about adult education.
"Investment in adult education causes a ripple effect for adult learners, their children and their communities: increased employment, achievement of life skills and community economic development. Yes, free tuition is a great start, but “free” can’t buy quality adult education or college and career readiness for our young adults — only increased state and federal funding can."
Regina supports her nine-year-old neighbor, victim of a shooting.
"Nobody expects children to be shot in broad daylight," said Boyce, who lives nearby and hosted a community meeting at her house, about two weeks after Jermell was shot, to talk about how to support the family and how to stop crime in the community. Boyce said she has been texting Thomas weekly to tell her that "whatever she needs, let me know."
Regina joins with her neighbors to fight a problem liquor store.
Former Waverly Improvement Association president Regina Boyce said that in the years since Kim took over the business, relations with him deteriorated and the establishment became less safe.
At first, Boyce said, she used to be able to walk into the business to drop off fliers or talk to Kim.
“Now, in 2015, I have to be buzzed in.”
Regina supports a safe space for our young people.
“Today it seems as though our youth are to blame or being blamed for the ills of the world,” said Regina T. Boyce, community outreach liaison for Baltimore City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young. “I am pleased to see a place and a space that is all their own, a place to call home, a place to create and a place to be nothing more than themselves.”
Regina wins Volunteer of the Year
A tireless Waverly booster, Boyce has participated in a number of projects that have promoted that sense of place and neighborhood identity, including Real City, Dream City with Art on Purpose and Maps on Purpose. Using art and mapmaking as means of representing Waverly “showed that Waverly is a lot stronger than people looking from the outside might think,” she says.
Regina wins the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Award.
. . . eight Johns Hopkins employees will be honored for demonstrating through community service the spirit of volunteerism and citizenship that characterized King's life.